- International Strategic Management
- Strategic Knowledge Management
- Consulting project
- D.B.A. Grenoble École de Management, Grenoble, 2010
- M.A. Grenoble Graduate School of Busines, Grenoble, 2008
- B.A. Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, 2006
- B.B.A. Turku Polytechnics, Turku, Finland, 2006
Research interests
- Knowledge management: Absorptive capacity, knowledge divisibility, knowledge spillovers
- Management of innovation: Customer involvement in radical innovation, open innovation,
- Entrepreneurship: Research centers and spin-offs mechanism
- Geographical economics: Cluster, Territorial innovation models, ecosystem
- Organizational design
Work Experience
- Associate professor, Strategy and Innovation Academic area, Rennes School of Business (September 2017 – Present)
- Assistant professor, Strategy and Innovation Academic area, Rennes School of Business (2012 – August 2017)
- Post-doctoral research, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley (January, 2011 – December, 2011)
- North America Doctoral School Representative, Grenoble Ecole de Management (January, 2011 – December, 2011)
- Research assistant in charge of economics projects, Grenoble Ecole de Management (September, 2007 – December, 2010)
Non Academic
- Work placement in the purchasing department, Schneider Electric (April, 2007 – June, 2007)
- Miles, R. E. & Scaringella, L., Grant from the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley (2012)
Service to the Institution
- University Assignments Member, Master of Science in International Marketing Programme Manager (2011-Present)
- Prizewinner of the National examination on Resistance and Deportation Memory
Intellectual contributions
Refereed Articles Discipline-Based Scholarship
- Zhimei Luo, Jinyuan Guo, Jose Benitez, Laurent Scaringella, Jiabao Lin (2024) How do organizations leverage social media to enhance marketing performance? Unveiling the power of social CRM capability and guanxi. Decision Support Systems, Volume 178, 2024, 114123
- J. Yan, S. Wang, J. Xiong, L. Scaringella and X. Chen (2024) Value Creation Reflecting CVC Strategic Orientations in Internet Platform Business Ecosystems: The Case of Tencent. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 71, pp. 1531-1541
- Neele Petzold, Alexander Lennart Schmidt, Laurent Scaringella (2023) How to overcome the disruptor’s dilemma: Exploring strategic alliance reconfiguration of new market entrants. Technovation, Volume 126, 2023, 102812
- Scaringella, L. (2024) Research centres and universities’ intellectual capital: A quantitative empirical study of Ph.D. holders’ contributions. R&D Management Volume 54, Issue 4: Special issue: IT as a driver of R&D processes and strategic renewal; Intellectual Capital and R&D Management, Sep 2024, pp 683-883
- L. Scaringella, J. Xiong, S. Chakraborty and S. Hao. (2024) The Incupportive Model for Technological Spin-Offs: Insights From Three Research Centers in France. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 71, pp. 4835-4847
- Laurent Scaringella, Anna Górska, Dennis Calderon, Jose Benitez, 2022, Should we teach in hybrid mode or fully online? A theory and empirical investigation on the service–profit chain in MBAs, Information & Management, Volume 59, Issue 1, 2022, 103573
- Yash Chawla, Agnieszka Radziwon, Laurent Scaringella, Ewa Lazarczyk Carlson, Marco Greco, Paulo Duarte Silveira, Eduardo Pestana de Aguiar, QingYang Shen, Markus Will, Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska, 2021, Predictors and outcomes of individual knowledge on early-stage pandemic: Social media, information credibility, public opinion, and behaviour in a large-scale global study, Information Processing & Management, Volume 58, Issue 6, November 2021, 102720
- Alexander Lennart Schmidt, Laurent Scaringella, 2020, Uncovering disruptors’ business model innovation activities: evidencing the relationships between dynamic capabilities and value proposition innovation, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Volume 57, 2020, 101589
- Scaringella, L., Radziwon, A, 2018, Innovation, entrepreneurial, knowledge, and business ecosystems: Old wine in new bottles?, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 136 (2018), pp. 59–87
- Scaringella, L., 2018, Initial and further business development: Highlights from Business Model, Open Innovation, and Knowledge Management perspectives, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 22, Issue 1-2, pp. 103-125
- Le Floc’h, G., Scaringella, L., 2017, Another failed M&A: misaligned business models as culprit, Journal of Business Strategy, 38 (5), 18-26
- Scaringella, L., Burtschell, F., 2017, The Challenges of radical innovation in Iran: Knowledge transfer and absorptive capacity highlights – Evidence from a joint venture in the construction sector, Technological Forecasting and Social Change – Special Issue on the Development of Science and Technology in Iran: The Challenges of Innovation and Commercialization, 122C, 151-169
- Scaringella, L., Miles, R.E. and Truong, Y., 2017, Customers Involvement and Firm Absorptive Capacity in Radical Innovation: The Case of Technological Spin-Offs, Technological Forecasting and Social Change – Special Issue on Search mechanisms and innovation: An analysis across multiple perspectives, 120, 144-162
- Scaringella, L., 2017, Involvement of “ostensible customers” in really new innovation: Failure of a start-up, The Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 43, 1-18
- Scaringella, L., Chanaron, J.J., 2016, Grenoble–GIANT Territorial Innovation Models: Are Investments in Research Infrastructures Worthwhile?, Technological Forecasting and Social Change – Special Issue on the social impact of Research Infrastructures at the frontiers of science and technology, 112, 92-101
- Scaringella, L., 2016, Knowledge, knowledge dynamics, and innovation: Exploration of the internationalization of a Multinational Corporation, The European Journal of Innovation Management – Special Issue on Knowledge, Technology and Innovation across Borders, 19 (3), 317-336
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2015, Initial and further business development: Highlights from Business Model, Open Innovation, and Knowledge Management perspectives, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2015, Knowledge, knowledge dynamics, and innovation: Exploration of the internationalization of a Multinational Corporation, European Journal of Innovation Management (2015)
- Scaringella, Laurent and François Burtschell, 2015, The Challenges of radical innovation in Iran: Knowledge transfer and absorptive capacity highlights – Evidence from a joint venture in the construction sector, Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2015)
- Li, Lijie and Laurent Scaringella, 2014, Perception of television advertising from China’s young generation, Journal of Applied Business Research 30
- Scaringella, Laurent and Rola Chami Malaeb, 2014, Contributions of talented people to knowledge management, Journal of Applied Business Research 30
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Exploration of geographical scope: The cluster of Grenoble, Journal of Applied Business Research 30
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Smart-stolen tacit knowledge: Institutional arrangements for invited piracy, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 22.
- Miles, R. E. & Scaringella, L., 2012, Designing the Firm to Fit the Future., Organizational Design, 1 (2), 69-74.
- Scaringella, L. & Vidal, D, 2011, The Satisfaction of DBA Graduates, a matter of return on investment and promotion., Business Leadership Review, 7.
Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship
- Scaringella, Laurent, Wiercinski, S, 2018, Evolution of decision making., EURAM, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2018
- Scaringella, Laurent, Radziwon, A., 2018, Ecosystems vs innovation systems, ISPIM 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2018
- Scaringella, Laurent and Mathilde Bru., 2017, Can online co-creation influence lead users’ and opinion leaders’ behavirors?, 28th International Society for Professional Innovation Management Conference, Vienna, Austria, June 2017
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2016, Involvement of customers in innovative start-up, ISPIM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2016
- Scaringella, Laurent and François Burtschell, 2016, Everyday lives and practices of a joint venture in the iranian construction sector, 8th international joint conference on knowledge discovery, knowledge engineering and knowledge management , Porto, Portugal, November 2016
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2015, Governance models, knowledge and business models: empirical research from research centers and spin-offs, EURAM, Varsaw, Poland, June 2015
- Scaringella, Laurent and Maria Roszkowska-Śliż, 2015, Open innovation processes and existing theories: a conceptual framework., ISPIM, Budapest, Hungary, June 2015
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2015, Governance models, Knowledge and Business models: Empirical research from research centers and spin-offs, Annual 15th EURAM Conference
- Scaringella, Laurent and Maria Roszkowska-Śliż, 2015, Open innovation processes and existing theories: A Conceptual framework, 26th ISPIM conference
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Spin-off models: Theoretical convergence, 25th ISPIM conference
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Emergence of pirates in search for knowledge: Rethink intellectual property rights, 5th LAEMOS Colloquium
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Territorial dynamics: Economic impacts and returns., AIMS
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2012, Exploration of geographical scope: The cluster of Grenoble, International Days of Statistics and Economics at VŠE
- Scaringella, L. & Chami Malaeb, R, 2011, Talent management and knowledge management challenges within organisations., 12th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe.
- Scaringella, L, 2011, Motives and barriers for bridging mass customization and open innovation in high tech industry., The 2011 World conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation.
- Scaringella, L. & Chanaron, J, 2010, From public incentive driving the industrial economy to the Science 2.0 driving the Knowledge Based Economy toward open innovation., The 14th World Multi-Conference on systemic, cybernetics and informatics.
Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements Case
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Tronics: Multiple Strategic Paths for Growth, The case centre
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Summary of concepts and tools in strategic management: External analysis, internal analysis, SWOT, intended strategies, options, recommendations, and implementations, The case centre, 2014
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Case study guidance in strategic management: The four-by-four strategic thinking process framework, The case centre
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, List of questions in strategic management: Reading case studies effectively, identifying relevant information, collecting data, and conducting a thorough analysis, The case centre
Presentations of Refereed Papers International
- Scaringella, Laurent, Loquen, Morgane. Strategic alliances’ pains and gains: ambidextrous knowledge workers’ glasses – half empty or half full? R&D management conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 17-19 June 2024
- Chakraborty, S., L. Scaringella, D.Schneckenberg. Fringe stakeholders and value creation- engaging indigenous communities in sustainable ventures in India. R&D Management conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 17-19 June 2024
- Ozlem OZKOK, Christian Winter, Mehdi Khiari, Nicolas Zacharias, Laurent Scaringella. AI human coaching for salespeople learning. ANZMAC. Dunedin, New Zealand, 4-6 december 2023
- Ozkok, Ozlem, Christian Winter, Mehdi Khiari, Nicolas Zacharias, Laurent Scaringella., 2023, Salesperson learning from customer engagement with AI-human coach assemblage., EMAC regional conference, Athens, Greece, 27-29 September 2023
- Ozkok, Ozlem, Christian Winter, Mehdi Khiari, Nicolas Zacharias, Laurent Scaringella., 2023, Salesperson learning from customer engagement with AI-human coach assemblage, AMA Summer Academic Conference, Virtual 31 July, San Fransisco, USA, 4-6 August 2023
- Chakraborty, Shubho., Scaringella, L., 2023, For the people, by the people: What achievement goals lead to creativity in tribes from India and Burkina Faso? The moderating effects of cultural beliefs and autonomy?, EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023
- Scaringella, L., Loquen, M, Wójcik, P. and Wierciński, S., 2023, Dynamic Managerial Capabilities requires business schools students’ good GPA or good individual/team ambidexterity?, EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023
- Chakraborty, S. Scaringella, L., Schneckenberg, D., 2023, Fringe stakeholders and value creation- engaging indigenous communities in sustainable ventures in India, ISPIM, Ljubjana, Slovenia, 4-7 June 2023
- Scaringella, L., Loquen, M, 2023, Disentangling the Human Aspects of Open Innovation: The Mediation of Absorptive Capacity, ISPIM, Ljubiana, Slovenia, 4-7 June 2023
- Scaringella, L., 2022, The Relation Between Open Innovation, Absorptive Capacity, and Schumpeterian Innovation: Uncovering Mediating and Moderating Effects, R&D Management conference. Trento, Italy, 11-13 July 2022
- Chakraborty, Shubho, Scaringella, L., Schneckenberg, D., 2022, Integrating distant stakeholders’ value creation in sustainable business model design – A case research from the Indian handicraft industry’, R&D Management conference. Trento, Italy, 11-13 July 2022
- Loquen, M; Scaringella, L.; Burger-Helmchen, T., 2022, The paths for further research on ambidexterity’s antecedents: a review of articles using different units of analysis, EURAM, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 June 2022
- Mengyun Zhang, Laurent Scaringella, Irena Descubes, 2021, Impact of Sustainability Knowledge Management on Employees’ Attitude, EURAM, online, 16-18 June 2021
- Le, T.K.S. and Scaringella L., 2020, Antecedents of Bricolage in Resource-Constrained Firms–Empirical Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs, 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, held on-line 7-11 August 2020
- Laurent Scaringella, Raymond Miles, 2020, Agnieszka Radziwon, Spin-offs’ Organizational Strategies and Business Models: evidence from a case study., 31st ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovating in Time of Crisis. 7-10 June 2020
- Marine Brives, Laurent Scaringella, Jiongni Mao, 2020, Unexploited and unknown treasures – an exploration of internal lead users’ position, ISPIM, Bangkok, Thailand. March 2020
- Bru M., Scaringella L., 2018, Can Online Co-creation Influence Lead Users’ and Opinion Leaders’ Behaviors?, Ratten V., Braga V., Marques C. (eds) Knowledge, Learning and Innovation. Contributions to Management Science. Springer International Publishing Cham, 228p, pp 27 -47 ISBN 978-3-319-59281-7
- Scaringella, L., 2017, Book review: Knowledge Spillover-based Strategic Entrepreneurship, International Small Business Journal, 35(5), 660-661 (3 Stars – FNEGE 2)
- Bru, M., Scaringella, L., Forthcoming, Can Online Co-Creation Influence Lead Users’ and Opinion Leaders’ Behaviors?, Knowledge, Learning and Innovation – Research Insights on Cross-Sector Collaborations », ed. V. Ratten
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2013, Research-based entrepreneurship: Knowledge divisibility for research centers and spin-offs, Producing New Knowledge on Entrepreneurship
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2012, Cost reductions along the global innovation scheme., Collective book of Grenoble Ecole de Management, Doctoral programs.
- Scaringella, Laurent, 2014, Tronics: Multiple Strategic Paths for Growth Teaching Notes, The case centre
- Scaringella, L. Strategic Alliances, Absorptive Capacity, And Ambidexterity Toward Innovation And Knowledge Spillovers. Varsaw, poltext, 2022, Kozminski Univeristy, 143 p, ISBN 978-83-8175-364-7