Associate Professor

Pôle: Strategy and Innovation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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Graduates Courses

  • Marketing: Marketing Intelligence, Pricing, Marketing Strategy (creating competitive advantage, challenging competitive advantage)
  • Economics and business décisions
  • Management of innovation

Undergraduate Courses

  • Marketing: Pricing, Segmentation targeting differentiation and positioning, New product development / innovation
  • Economics: Micro-Economics, Financial Mathematics
  • Statistics: Introduction to Statistical Methods in Business


  • Orange Labs, Postdoctoral position, deployment strategy of optical fibber in European telecommunications networks, Lannion (2007-2008)
  • Ph.D. in Economics, title: “L’économie des comparateurs de prix”, University of Rennes 1 (2007)
  • Master in European Industrial Economics, University of Rennes 1 (2002)
  • Bachelor in Econometrics, University of Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco (2000)

Research interests

  • Peer to peer markets
  • Digital Economy
  • Digital Business Models
  • Pricing strategy

Work experience


  • Director for mïnd Area of Expertise, Rennes School of Business (February 2021 – Present)
  • Assistant professor, Stategy & Innovation academic area, Rennes School of Business (December 2018 – present)
  • Assistant professor, Marketing academic area, Rennes School of Business (January 2017 – November 2017)
  • Rennes School of Business, Lecturer in marketing and strategy (2014 – 2016)
  • ENCG (National School of Business and Management), Assistant professor in economics, strategy and technology management, Morocco (2009 – 2015)
  • Telecom Bretagne, Research engineer in technology use, Brest (2011-2013)
  • IFREMER (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea), Pricing data analyst, Brest (2008)
  • University of Rennes 1, Teaching and research assistant (2005 – 2007)

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles – Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Yongqing Li, Jie Xiong, Wanqing Ma, Huimin Ma, Mehdi Farajallah, 2023, Decomposing manufacturing CO2 emission changes: An improved production-theoretical decomposition analysis based on industrial linkage theory, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 325, Part A, 2023, 116471
  • Yan J, Xu L, Farajallah M, Zhao S, Xiong J., 2020, Overview of environmental management in an emerging market, Strategic Change. 2020, Volume 29, Issue 5, pp.553–560
  • Farajallah, M., Hammond, R., Pénard, T., 2019, What Drives Pricing Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Markets? Evidence from the Carsharing Platform BlaBlaCar, Information Economics and Policy, Vol. 48, (2019), pp. 15-31
  • Jang, S., Farajallah, M., Kevin Kam Fung So, 2019, The effect of quality cues on Travelers’ demand for Peer to Peer ridesharing: a neglected area of the sharing economy, Journal of Travel Research, DOI: 10.1177/0047287519897998
  • Farajallah, Mehdi with Le goff-Pronost M., Pénard T. and Suire R., 2015, Quoi de neuf docteur? Une étude économétrique sur la recherche en ligne d’informations médicales par les patients, La revue d’économie médicale, Vol. 33, n° 4-5, 231-251 [CNRS 4*]
  • Farajallah, Mehdi with Deltour F. and Lethiais V., 2014, L’équipement des PME en systèmes ERP: une adoption guidée par les priorités stratégiques ?, Management international, vol.18(2), 155- 168, [FNEGE 3*]
  • FARAJALLAH, Mehdi with Benghozi P-J. and Lyubareva I., 2013, La presse française en ligne en 2012 : modèles d’affaires et pratiques de financement, Culture études – DEPS (Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques), vol.3,1-12

Contribution to the business community

  • Farajallah, Mehdi, 2013, Préserver ou recréer du lien social? Quel usage des réseaux sociaux par les ainés, Newsletter Thémavision Numérique Santé et Seniors, CCI Rennes
  • Farajallah, Mehdi, 2013, Informations santé en ligne : quels impacts pour la relation médecin-patient ?, Newsletter Thémavision Numérique Santé et Seniors, CCI Rennes
  • Farajallah, Mehdi, 2012, Accès à Internet et services numériques d’aides au maintien à domicile, Newsletter Thémavision Numérique Santé et Seniors, CCI Rennes
  • Farajallah, Mehdi, 2012, La simulation en santé: état des lieux et perspectives, Newsletter Thémavision Numérique Santé et Seniors, CCI Rennes

Refereed proceedings – Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Farajallah, Mehdi and Seongsoo Jang, 2018, Quality cues in peer-to-peer transportation sharing, Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, Japan, July 2018
  • Farajallah, Mehdi, Hammond, R.G., Penard, T., 2017, What drives pricing behaviour in peer-to-peer markets? Evidence from the car-sharing platform BlaBlaCar, 3rd Workshop on Marketplace Innovation, Stanford, United States of America, June 2017
  • Farajallah, M., Hammond, R., Pénard, T., 2016, What Drives Pricing Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Markets? Evidence from the Carsharing Platform BlaBlaCar, 7th Annual Conference on Internet Commerce and Innovation, Chicago, United States of America, 9-10 June 2016
  • Farajallah, M., Hammond, R., Pénard, T., 2016, What Drives Pricing Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Markets? Evidence from the Carsharing Platform BlaBlaCar, 4th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, Philadelphia, United States of America, 14-16 April 2016

Presentation of Refeered Papers


  • Farajallah, M, Arsenyan, J., 2023, The influence of opinion leaders on daily deals user’s decisions: evidence from dealabs, GAMA 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 20-23 July 2023
  • Farajallah, Mehdi, Jang. S., 2022, The first traveler attributes for subsequent peer-to-peer ridesharing demand: Effects of homophily and heterophily, Digital Economics Summer School Ecole d’Eté d’Economie Numérique (3EN), 8th Edition, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 4-5 July 2022
  • Farajallah,  M. (2020). The first traveler attributes for subsequent peer-to-peer ridesharing demand: Effects of homophily and heterophily. In Global Marketing Conference at Seoul (Virtual Conference), Seoul, South Korea, 5-8th November 2020