Associate Professor

Pôle: Strategy and Innovation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • Strategic Management
  • Entrepreneurship


Doctorat ès Sciences Economiques – Organisation Industrielle, Finance et Econométrie, Université Paris XIII, Paris, France

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies – Economie et Finance Internationales, Université Paris XIII, Paris, France

Researcher – Economics, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

Diplôme – Section Economique et Financière, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Paris, France

Maîtrise ès Sciences Economiques – Université Paris XIII, Paris, France

Research Interests

eBusiness : Identification of the key drivers of trust, satisfaction and loyalty to a website, across culture and gender. Adoption of new technology.

Strategic management: How to develop an e-business strategy – Gibrat’s law

Work Experience


  • 2014 - Present

    Associate Professor, Rennes School of Business

  • 2011 - 2014

    Associate Dean For Faculty, ESC Rennes School of Business

  • 2008 - 2011

    Associate Professor, ESC Rennes School of Business

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Jin. C., Bonanni, C. (2022) Board chairperson turnover and financial performance: evidence from Chinese firms. (in press) Economics Bulletin Volume 42 issue 3 pages 694-702.
  • Bonanni, C., Jie Xiong; Jie Yan; Peiran Su and Qian Li, 2021, Knowledge management practices by middle managers to attain organizational ambidexterity, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2021.2012565
  • Isabella Moreira Pereira de Vasconcellos, Diogo Tavares Robaina & Carole Bonanni, 2020, Factors Influencing Students’ Decision to Drop Out of Online Courses in Brazil, Journal of Education and Learning; Vol. 9, No. 5; 2020
  • Bonanni, C, 2010, The case for quantative easing for Canada. Policy Options, Policy Options
  • Bonanni, C., Drysdale, D., Hughes, A., & Doyle, P, 2006, Employee Background Verification: Measuring the Cross-Referencing Effect, International Business and Economics Research Journal.
  • Krylov, V. & Bonanni, C, 2006, Multi-Criteria Optimization of Budgeting Decisions by the Telecommunication Service Providers in a Simulation Game, International Journal of Management & Decision Making.
  • Krylov, V. & Bonanni, C, 2006, Multi-Criteria Optimization of Budgeting Decisions by the Telecommunication Service Providers in a Simulation Game, International Journal of Management & Decision Making.
  • Cyr, D., Bonanni, C., Ilsever, J., & Bowes, J., 2005, Beyond Trust: Website Design Preferences across Cultures, Journal of Global Information Management
  • Cyr, D. & Bonanni, C, 2005, Gender and Website Design in E-Business, International Journal of Electronic Business.
  • Bonanni, C. & Cyr, D, 2004, Trust and Loyalty: A Cross-cultural Comparison. Journal of Comparative Management, Journal of Comparative International Management.
  • Bonanni, C., Dermine, J., & Roller, L.H, 1998, Some Evidence on Customer ‘Lock-in’ in the French Mutual Fund Industry, Applied Economics Letters

Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Xin Song, Carole Bonanni. Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven Business Model Innovation: The Impact of AI-powered try-on technology on Luxury Shopping Experience (LSE). AMA winter conference, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, 23-25 February 2024
  • Bonanni, Carole and Sandrine Stervinou. Female entrepreneurship – new perspective on necessity. EURAM, Bath, UK, 26-28 June 2024
  • Bonanni, Carole,  Sandrine Stervinou, Viglia. Women wanna be entrepreneurs need empathic heroes. 30th Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge conference, Paris, France, 4-6 June 2024
  • Augustin Samson, Carole Bonanni. Opportunities and Challenges of Co-Design for NPOs. 39th EGOS, Cagliari, Italy, 6-9 July 2023
  • Bonanni, Carole. A human-centered approach to AI Readiness. R&D conference, Sevilla, Spain, 19-21 June 2023
  • Bonanni, Carole. The Path to Sustainable Business Model Innovation for SMEs. R&D conference, Sevilla, Spain, 19-21 June 2023
  • Bonanni, Carole and Sandrine Stervinou. Gender differences in entrepreneurship mentoring. AOM Conference , Seattle, USA, 4-10 August 2022
  • Bonanni, Carole; Gardner Le Gars, Joanne; Waldeck, Roger; Simonin, Jacques. Resilience nested in a “Frugal” Socio-Techno- Ecological System. R&D Management Conference, Trento, Italy, 10-13 July 2022
  • Bonanni, C., Stervinou, S. (2021) Women would be entrepreneurs need empathic Heroes. AIMS, online, 01-04 June 2021
  • Alambert, Murilo and Carole Bonanni. Strategic Middle Manager. 20th European Academy of Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland, December 2020
  • Alambert, Murilo and Carole Bonanni, 2019, The role of middle managers in developing dynamic capabilities in a turmoil environment, Academy of Management Specialized Conference (AOM), Boston, United States of America, August 2019
  • Bonanni, Carole and Rohit Nishant, 2019, Understanding firms AI maturity: an exploratory study, R&D Management Conference, Paris, France, June 2019
  • Bonanni, Carole and Jbid Arsenyan, 2018, Legitimacy building in an entrepreneurial ecosystem, RADMA (R&D Management Annual Conference), Milano, Italy, June 2018
  • Vasconcello, Isabella and Carole Bonanni, 2018, Factors influencing students’ decision to drop out of online courses in Brazil, ASAC conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2018
  • Bonanni, Carole and Valérie Allie, 2018, Critical Factors facilitating Technological Collaboration, RADMA (R&D Management Annual Conference), Milano, Italy, June 2018
  • De La Burgade, Emmanuel and Carole Bonanni, 2017, Le groupe Casino: quelle stratégie de croissance, ASAC, Montreal, Canada, May 2017
  • Constant, François and Carole Bonanni, 2017, ALSTOM rail systems hard control on innovation, ASAC 2017, Montreal, Canada, May 2017
  • BONANNI, Carole and Aurore Viguier, 2017, Key success factors in the formulation and implementation of a CSR growth strategy, ASAC 2017, Montreal, Canada, May 2017
  • Bonanni, Carole and Anke Piepenbrink, 2017, Ambidexterity in Meta-Organization, AOM Annual Meeting 2017, Atlanta, United States of America, August 2017
  • Bonanni, Carole, Allié Valérie, and Emmanuel de la Burgade, 2015, M-Go – How the new kid in town can be part of the game, Administrative Science Association of Canada
  • Xiong, Jie, Peiran Su, and Carole Bonanni, 2014, How Middle Managers Manage Intra-Organizational Knowledge Inflows for Ambidexterity, AIMS
  • Allié, Valérie and Carole Bonanni, 2014, Key Success factors in Technology Transfer, AIMS
  • De la Burgade, Emmanuel and Carole Bonanni, 2013, Starbucks: What should the company do with the cash, Administrative Science Association of Canada
  • Xu, Dong-Ling, Carole Bonanni, and Adrian Palmer, 2012, The effects of collectivism and timestyles on consumer online behaviour: evidence from China, Academy of Marketing Conference
  • De la Burgade, Emmanuel and Carole Bonanni, 2012, Michelin: L’avenir est dans la bretelle., Administrative Science Association of Canada
  • Bonanni, C. & de la Burgade, E, 2011, The Rebirth of Thomson: Technicolor, Administrative sciences association of Canada
  • Bonanni, C. & Drysdale, D, 2010, Return on Investment of Background Screening, Congrès Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines St Malo
  • Bonanni, C., Drysdale, D., Hughes, A., & Doyle, P, 2006, Employee Background Verification: Measuring the Cross-Referencing Effect, Proceedings for the European Applied Research Conference, Florence, Italy.
  • Bonanni, C. & Cyr, D, 2005, Trust and Loyalty: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Proceedings for the International Conference of Business, Economics and Management Disciplines, Proceedings for the International Conference of Business, Economics and Management Disciplines, Fredericton New Brunswick, Canada.
  • Bonanni, C. & Cyr, D, 2005, Gender and Website Design in E-business. Proceedings for the 6th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business, McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario, Canada.
  • Bonanni, C. & Cyr, D, 2005, Consumer Attributes and E-loyalty: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, Proceedings of the IPSI Conference, Pescara, Italy.
  • Kyrylov, V. & Bonanni, C, 2004, Modeling Decision Making by Telecommunications Services Providers in a Strategy Market Game, Proceedings of the Applied Telecommunications Symposium. Arlington Virginia, USA.
  • Cyr, D., Ilsever, J., Bonanni, C., & Bowes, J., 2004, Website Design and Culture: An Empirical Investigation, Designing for Global Markets 6. Proceedings for the International Workshop for the Internationalization of Products and Systems Conference, Va, Proceedings for the International Workshop for the Internationalization of Products and Systems Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Kyrylov, V. & Bonanni, C., 2004, Multi-Criteria Optimization of Budgeting Decisions by the Telecommunication Service Providers in a Simulation Game, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Whistler, Canada.
  • Cyr, D., Bonanni, C., & Ilsever, J, 2004, Design and E-loyalty Across Cultures in Electronic Commerce, Proceedings for the Sixth International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC04).

Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals Book

  • Lépineux, François, Rosé, Jean-Jacques, Bonanni, Carole, Hudson, Sarah., 2016, RSE – La Responsablité Sociale des Entreprises – Théories et Pratique. 2ème édition, Dunod. Collection Management Sup. 242 p. ISBN 978-2-10-074957-7
  • Lépineux, F., Bonanni, C., & Roloff, J, 2011, Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Palgrave, London: Palgrave.
  • Lépineux, F., Bonanni, C., Rosé, J., & Hudson, S., 2010, La Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises: Théories et Pratiques Dunod Collection Gestion Sup, Dunod Collection Gestion Sup
  • Evers, V., del Galdo, E., Cyr, D., & Bonanni, C., 2004, Designing for Global Markets 6. Proceedings for the Sixth Annual Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems, BondRepro. Vancouver


  • Bonanni, C. & de La Burgade, E, 2011, Case Track Proceedings ASAC 2011, Pearson, Canada: Pearson.

Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements Chapter

  • Cyr, D., Bonanni, C., Bowes, J., & Ilsever, J., 2007, The Challenge of Website Design for Global Organizations, In Tan, F. and Hunter, G. (Eds.) Strategic Use of Information Technology for Global Organizations. Idea Group Publishing.
  • Bonanni, C. & Cyr, D, 2006, Beyond Trust: Website Design Preferences Across Cultures, Hyderabad, India: ICFAI Pres

Presentations of Refereed Papers International

  • Augustin Samson, Carole Bonanni., 2023, Opportunities and Challenges of Co-Design for NPOs, 39th EGOS, Cagliari, Italy, 6-9 July 2023
  • Carole Bonanni, 2023, A human-centered approach to AI Readiness, R&D conference, Sevilla, Spain, 19-21 June 2023
  • Carole Bonanni., 2023, The Path to Sustainable Business Model Innovation for SMEs., R&D conference, Sevilla, Spain, 19-21 June 2023
  • Bonanni, Carole and Sandrine Stervinou, 2022, Gender differences in entrepreneurship mentoring, AOM Conference , Seattle, USA, 4-10 August 2022
  • Bonanni, Carole; Gardner Le Gars, Joanne; Waldeck, Roger; Simonin, Jacques, 2022, Resilience nested in a “Frugal” Socio-Techno- Ecological System, R&D Management Conference, Trento, Italy, 10-13 July 2022
  • Bonanni, C., Stervinou, S., 2021, Women would be entrepreneurs need empathic Heroes, AIMS, online, 01-04 April 2021
  • Alambert, Murilo and Carole Bonanni., 2020, Strategic Middle Manager, 20th European Academy of Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland
  • De la Burgade, E. & Bonanni, C, 2012, L’avenir est dans la Bretelle, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Saint John, Newfoundland.
  • Xu, D., Bonanni, C., & Palmer, A, 2012, The effects of coolectivism and timestyles on consumer online behaviour: evidence from China, Academy of Marketing Conference, Southampton, Great Britain.

Presentations of Refereed Papers National

  • Bonanni, C. & Drysdale, D, 2010, The ROI of Background Screening, Congrès AGRH (Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines)